Designing sustainable and functional spaces


Science and Technology Faculty


The Architecture Program is designed to produce architects capable of designing sustainable, functional, and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet societal and environmental needs. Students will learn design principles, construction technology, architectural history, and sustainability concepts in building.

The curriculum covers mastery of 3D design software, site analysis, project management, and eco-friendly building materials. Students also explore social, cultural, and ecological issues influencing spatial form and function.

Learning is conducted through intensive design studios, field visits, and collaborations with industry professionals. Real-world projects, such as designing residences, public facilities, or area revitalization, are integral to the educational experience.

Graduates can pursue careers as architectural designers, planning consultants, construction managers, or property developers. They also contribute to solving urban and rural challenges through innovative approaches.

With multidisciplinary competencies, graduates are prepared to pioneer humane living spaces that are climate-responsive and aligned with local cultural identities.

Admission Form


The UNPRI Architecture Study Program is an educational institution that produces intelligent generations who are competent in the field of architecture, professional, creative and independent in designing built environments based on local wisdom, adaptive to technological developments, so that they are able to utilize digital technology in every design


  1. Developing local wisdom architecture professionally, scientifically and sustainably at the macro, meso, and micro levels
  2. Preparing graduates who are skilled in architectural design based on technological sophistication and digitalization capabilities
  3. Preparing graduates who are skilled in architectural design oriented towards the power of nature and the built environment
  4. Developing human resources, to be responsive to situations and natural forces in implementing the results of architectural planning and design



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