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Unpri Industrial Engineering Students Participate in ISCE Competition

Industrial Engineering students of Universitas Prima Indonesia (Unpri) have participated in the International Statistics Competition for Engineering Students (ISCE) 2014, which was held on November 24-27, 2014 at Parahyangan Catholic University (Unpar). This was stated by the Dean of the Faculty of Technology and Computer Science (FTIK) Unpri Abdi Dharma, S.Kom., M.Kom. "The 2014 ISCE competition was held according to the schedule set by the committee, namely November 25-27, 2014. The participants consisted of 33 teams with details of 32 teams from Indonesia, and 1 team from the Philippines. All competition materials were presented in English," said Abdi Dharma to reporters, Monday (12/15) at the Unpri Campus, Jalan Sekip Medan.

Abdi said, the Unpri Industrial Engineering Team had passed three stages, namely the Elimination Round (Essay) stage, the Elimination Round (Multiple Choice) and the Elimination Round (Betting) stage. In the announcement, said Abdi, who was entitled to participate in the next stage (Semifinal Round, Stage), the Unpri team could not continue the competition. From this achievement, the team can be categorized as quite good. This is because the team competed with other teams who were on average already in semesters 5 and 7, and had passed or undergone the Statistics Laboratory while the Unpri team was still in semester 3 and had not passed the Statistics Laboratory.

Meanwhile, the Head of Industrial Engineering Study Program FTIK Unpri, Fahri Zulmy added, in preparation for participating in the ISCE 2014 competition at Industrial Engineering Unpar on November 24-27, 2014, the Industrial Engineering Unpri team has conducted various preparations and coaching for approximately 1.5 months.

"The team was formed based on the selection of supervisors for Industrial Engineering students who were considered capable and added to the readiness of the students. In the preparation, team members were provided with competition preparation materials related to Engineering Statistics, especially Industrial Engineering. There were approximately 5 (five) face-to-face meetings in preparing the team to participate in the competition", said Fahri.

Fahri also said that the ISCE 2014 Competition which was held on November 24-27, 2014 at Parahyangan Catholic University, is one of the prestigious competitions for Industrial Engineering students, especially in the field of statistics.

This competition, said Fahri, is one of the forums for Unpri Industrial Engineering students to be able to develop their knowledge, as well as introduce Unpri to all of Indonesia. "Unpri Industrial Engineering students have participated in the international scale competition and achieved quite good results even though they have not reached the semifinal stage. It is hoped that in the coming years, good and mature preparation and training will make the teams that will compete be able to achieve more satisfying results," he said.

Meanwhile, one of the teams, Hendy, said that the ISCE 2014 competition that had been followed had increased their insight, especially in the field of statistics and could provide encouragement that Unpri still had to continue to improve its competence to be able to compete with State Universities (PTN) and Private Universities in Java.

"Sufficient preparation and strong determination are great capital for other teams in other competitions in the field of Industrial Engineering to get more optimal results," said Hendy.

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