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The First PTS in Sumatra with Specialist Study Programs: Handover of the First Batch of PPDS Students at UNPRI

Handover of PPDS RADIOLOGY and PPDS Primary Care Family Medicine Students

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As the first Private University on Sumatra Island that is trusted by the government to manage two Specialist Study Programs, on the day Saturday, April 1, 2023 UNPRI held a handover ceremony for the First Batch of PPDS RADIOLOGY and PPDS Family Medicine Primary Service UNPRI students. The event was led directly by the Chancellor of UNPRI, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, M. Kes and took place in the Large Meeting Room, Main Campus of Universitas Prima Indonesia, Jalan Sampul 3, Medan City.

The parties attending the event from the ranks of the Rectorate and the Board of Directors of UNPRI were: UNPRI Advisor, Prof. Dr. dr. Farhat M.Ked (ORL-HNS), Sp.THT-BKL Subp Onk, FICS, UNPRI Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, M. Kes, Vice Chancellor II Prof. Dr. Ermi Girsang, M. Kes, Vice Chancellor III Sahid Rizal, S.H.I, M.A, Vice Chancellor IV Dr. dr. Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT., MKM., Sp. KKLP., Subsp. COPC to the Faculty of Medicine, Dean Prof. Dr. dr. H. Gusbakti Rusip, Msc, PKK, AIFM, AIFO-K, Sp.KKLP and Head of the Radiology Specialist Doctor Education Program dr. Armen Rangkuti, Sp.Rad (K), Secretary of Study Program: dr. Icha Yulianti Pulungan, Sp.Rad (K), Head of Department dr. Ikhwanul Hakim, Sp.Rad (K) and Head of the Primary Care Family Medicine Specialist Doctor Education Program: Dr. dr. Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT, MKM, Sp.KKLP.

This activity was also attended by the President Director of Royal Prima Hospital Dr. dr. Wienaldi, MKM, President Director of Royal Prima Marelan Hospital dr. Nurul Apla Wizaya Syahputri, Director of Prima Vision Eye Hospital dr. Muhammad Faridz Syahrian, MKM, Head of IDI Medan dr. Ery Suhaymi, S.Ked., SH, M.Ked(Surg), MH, Sp.B, Chairperson of PDSRKI dr. Hondo Supeno, Sp.Rad (K), Chairperson of PDKI Dr. dr. Isti Ilmiati Fujiati, MSc, CM-FM, MPd.Ked, Sp.KKLP, PDKI North Sumatra Branch represented by dr. Tapi, Head of Padang Bulan Health Center dr. Roselin, Head of Teladan Health Center dr. Kus Puji Astuti and KKLP UNPRI Preceptors at the Health Center Forum.

It is hoped that the first batch of PPDS Radiology and PPDS Family Medicine Primary Service UNPRI can produce specialist doctors who are able to manage diseases and health problems in primary services and radiology. UNPRI also actively contributes in producing superior and competent specialist doctors for the advancement of the quality of health services in Indonesia.

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