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How To Create and Submit a Good Journal

Faculty of Technology and Computer Science Universitas Prima Indonesia (FTIK Unpri) once again held a workshop themed “How To Create and Submit the Good Journal”, at the event, the workshop lecturer of USU Faculty of Engineering Dr. Eng. Listiani Nurul Huda, M.T as the main speaker. “Scientific Journal is one type of academic journal where the author publishes scientific articles” said the lecturer of USU Faculty of Engineering in the workshop held at the Multipurpose Building, 5th Floor, Royal Prima Hospital Medan. (20/03/2014)

The workshop was attended by the Head of the Foundation Trustees, dr. I Nyoman Ehrich Lister, M.Kes., AIFM., Head of BPH, dr. Tommy Leonard, S.H., M.Kn., Rector of Unpri Prof. dr. Djakobus Tarigan, AAI, DAAK., Vice Rector I of Unpri, Seno Aji, S.Pd., M.Eng. Prac., Vice Rector II Unpri, Ermi Girsang, SKM, M.Kes., Chairman of the Committee Fahri Zulmy, S.T., M.T., Dean of the Faculty of Technology & Computer Science, Abdi Dharma, S.Kom., M.Kom., Vice Dean I of the Faculty of Technology & Computer Science Chairul Azhar, S.Si., M.Pd., Head of the Undergraduate Study Program - Informatics Engineering Mawaddah Harahap, S.Kom., M.Kom., Head of the Undergraduate Study Program - Electrical Engineering Ir. Hendrik Siagian, M.Kom.

Listiani in the workshop said that to ensure the scientific quality of published articles, an article is usually researched by colleagues and revised by the author, this is known as peer review. "For students and lecturers, scientific journals are the main reference because scientific journals are publications of research results or studies that can be scientifically accounted for," said Lesti.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the committee, Fahri Zulmy, S.T., M.T., also expressed that higher education is a place where a person is formed in a more focused and in-depth manner to gain knowledge and morals that are useful for themselves and also for others. The knowledge and morals are formed through a series of long teaching and learning processes so that it is expected that someone who has gone through the process will become better, which can be interpreted as more knowledgeable, more moral, and more self-actualized.

"One of the teaching and learning processes for a student and lecturer is research," said Fahri.

Fahri continued that the research that has been done must be recognized by others so that the research that has been done is not said to be "plagiarized" or imitating others. Good research must be corrected in depth by competent reviewers according to the field of research being done. Recognition of the research that has been corrected can be through a "journal". A journal is a collection of research results in written form from several researchers that are arranged based on certain fields of science that are recognized by certain institutions/agencies/organizations.

Most students and lecturers still have little knowledge about how to write good journals and submit accredited journals. Therefore, in making a good journal, a clear technique and rules and standards are needed so that the journal produced can be easily recognized and accepted, both locally, nationally, and internationally.

"Based on these conditions, a workshop needs to be held for lecturers and students so that they can increase their knowledge and skills to produce good and quality journal writings," said Fahri at the end of his remarks.

Dr. Eng. Listiani Nurul Huda, M.T Photo with Dean of FTIK Unpri Abdi Dharma, and lecturers after the workshop.

News About "Teknologi dan Ilmu Komputer:"

2015-11-04 10:33:41 by Bayu Angga Wijaya
How To Create and Submit the Good Journal
2015-11-04 10:33:41 by Bayu Angga Wijaya
How To Create and Submit the Good Journal
2015-11-04 10:33:41 by Bayu Angga Wijaya
How To Create and Submit the Good Journal
2015-11-04 10:33:41 by Bayu Angga Wijaya
How To Create and Submit the Good Journal

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How To Create and Submit the Good Journal

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