Irawan Wiseful Berutu dan Bong Chandra Beri Motivasi Kewirausahaan Pada Mahasiswa FE Unpri

April 04, 2013 16:10 oleh Abdi Dharma | berita sebelumnya | berita selanjutnya

The Faculty of Economics UNPRI once again held its second National Seminar as a manifestation of FE's consistent attention to Entrepreneurship. In this seminar, the invited speakers were Irwan Wiseful Berutu and Bong Chandra. The event, which was held at the Convention Hall Hermes Place Polonia, was attended by 1,000 students of the Faculty of Economics Unpri with the theme Growing Entrepreneurial Spirit and Competence Through Creativity and Innovation, Saturday, March 23, 2013.

This event was officially opened by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics Unpri, Cut Fitri Rostina, S.E, M.M. and the event was attended by the Head of BPH Unpri Tommy Leonard, SH, MKn, Rector of Unpri Prof. dr. Djakobus Tarigan, AAI, DAAK, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry (FKG) Prof. DR. drg. Monang Panjaitan, Dean of FE Unpri Cut Fitri Rostina, SE, MM, Vice Dean I of FE Unpri Hendry, SE, Head of Public Relations Ramli J. Marpaung, SH, Yuliana, entrepreneur Julie's Bakery, and hundreds of FE Unpri students.

The national seminar seemed lively and lively with the presence of two famous speakers from Jakarta, namely Irwan Wiseful Berutu, Motivator, lecturer, and CEO of AEC, and Bong Chandra CEO in three companies with a turnover of Rp. 180 billion/year.

The national seminar seemed lively and lively with the presence of two famous speakers from Jakarta, namely Irwan Wiseful Berutu, Motivator, lecturer, and CEO of AEC, and Bong Chandra CEO in three companies with a turnover of Rp. 180 billion/year.

On that occasion, the two speakers provided entrepreneurial motivation to FE Unpri students. According to Irwan, to succeed in entrepreneurship we must focus on our strengths, not our weaknesses.

In front of the students, Irwan explained effective tips for breaking into the world of work. In this case, he said, what is sought first is the opportunity, not the money, and then we must maintain character.

Therefore, said Irwan, there are several things, such as negative mental attitudes that must be abandoned, such as being lazy, weak, undisciplined, procrastinating, complaining, demanding, liking to make scapegoats, lacking initiative, being afraid of challenges, pessimistic, liking to manipulate, being dishonest, highly egotistical, reckless, getting bored easily and impatient.

While positive things must be done such as being grateful, diligent and disciplined, having a high fighting spirit, acting quickly, being committed, honest, optimistic, steadfast, liking to help, enthusiastic, cheerful and having a steely spirit, being humble, generous and having sincerity.

In between his presentations, Irwan mentioned that successful people and unsuccessful people have similarities. The difference is, successful people's habits like reading, pursuing hobbies, long-term investment, being generous, making strategic plans, being attentive, patient, steadfast, and persistent. Then, always step towards growth, be simple, work hard, and always have a vision for the future. "While the habits of people who fail are familiar with the word impossible," he said.

Meanwhile, Bong Chandra, a CEO of three companies with a turnover of Rp. 180 billion/year, in front of FE Unpri students gave a fiery spirit about how to struggle in entrepreneurship. "To achieve success, we should not be afraid to try. Young people must continue to be creative," he said while telling his experience on the way to success until he succeeded as he is now.

Because of his tenacity and perseverance in entrepreneurship, it is no wonder that he has many businesses everywhere, ranging from property to culinary businesses.

Previously, Dean of FE Unpri Cut Fitri Rostina, SE, MM, in her speech said that the entrepreneurship seminar that was used as the theme was seen as a very important theme, considering the high unemployment rate, while the available jobs were very minimal.

"Therefore, this theme will be increasingly important when we are faced with the reality of the free trade era. So consciously we must prepare ourselves seriously and be able to create our own jobs. So not only expecting to find a job or become a civil servant," he said.

According to Cut Fitri, this National Entrepreneurship Seminar is a seminar that is able to grow and develop an entrepreneurial spirit for students, and at the same time facilitate students, so that they can change their paradigm and strive to become entrepreneurs, who have a high mentality and courage in entrepreneurship.

Cut Fitri hopes that this seminar is truly effective in raising awareness of the need for entrepreneurship. Thus, students will be able to be more independent, work in real, adaptive, creative and innovative ways, both for themselves and for their surroundings. "These traits are also needed by this nation in the future, because it is realized that the younger generation is the pillar of the nation and state in the future".

Head of BPH Unpri Tommy Leonard, SH, MKn, accompanied by Unpri Chancellor Prof. dr. Djakobus Tarigan, AAI, DAAK presented a souvenir to Bong Chandra (CEO of three companies with a turnover of Rp180 billion/year).

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