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UNPRI Graduation Period II 2022: Digital Technology Skills and Professional Staff

UNPRI Graduation Period II 2022

UNPRI Graduation Period II 2022

UNPRI Graduation Period II 2022

Thursday (24/2), Universitas Prima Indonesia held an offline graduation period II of 2022 which was divided into 4 sessions over 2 days with the implementation of health protocols for all graduates and parents present at the Campus Building Main Universitas Prima Indonesia.

The flow of development of world science and technology is certainly progressing very quickly thanks to the presence of the industrial revolution 4.0. Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic has also had an impact on using technology effectively and efficiently in various fields, especially in the field of education.

"Graduates must compete and be able to adapt supported by bilingual communication skills, collaboration, opening networks, strengthening critical thinking competencies, as well as creativity and innovation if they want to win the competition to get a job," said the Head of the North Sumatra Higher Education Service Institute (LLDikti) Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Sc. online. "UNPRI S1 and S2 graduates must be ready to enter the real open campus arena in order to win the competition to get job opportunities," he said.

Prof. Ibnu also added that UNPRI graduates must be able to adapt themselves across fields (transdigital), especially mastering digital technology skills in all sectors of life in order to become professionals in the future.

UNPRI Chancellor Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, M.Kes said that the graduation period 2 of 2022 for diploma, undergraduate, and master's programs from 8 faculties. "UNPRI is currently focusing on developing the Tri Dharma of higher education simultaneously and sustainably," he added. The Chancellor of UNPRI continued that this was supported by taking strategic steps in an effort to encourage increased research, community service, and scientific publications, which include provisions on basic research policies, handling plagiarism, patents and intellectual property rights.

"This is in line with UNPRI's vision and Renstra towards Excellence 2026. UNPRI is also fully committed to supporting the Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka (MBKM) program of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology," said the Chancellor of UNPRI.

Separately, the Head of BPH UNPRI Dr. Tommy Leonard, SH. M.Kn. said that the digitalization-based academic learning method will continue to be developed in an up-to-date manner. "All work applications in various fields have utilized digital technology. Like it or not, we are required to use digital services for work needs. Therefore, UNPRI is committed to supporting the MBKM Kemenristekdikti," said the Head of BPH UNPRI.

The entire series of graduation activities ran successfully and smoothly with a total of 999 graduates inaugurated by the Chancellor of UNPRI.

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