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UNPRI-HIPMI SUMUT Officially Establish Cooperation, Determined to Produce Young Entrepreneurs from Students

Memorandum of Understanding and Memorandum of Understanding

Signing of MOU and MOA UNPRI HIPMI

Signing of MOU and MOA UNPRI HIPMI

Thursday (30/032022), Universitas Prima Indonesia and the Indonesian Young Entrepreneurs Association of North Sumatra officially established a collaboration which took place in the meeting room of the main campus building of UNPRI. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed directly by the Vice Rector IV for Cooperation, Dr. dr. Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT., MKM., Sp.KKLP. and the General Chairperson of BPD HIPMI SUMUT, Ade Jona Prasetyo.

Exclusively, the Faculty of Economics UNPRI and HIPMI SUMUT also collaborated by signing a Memorandum of Understanding carried out by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics UNPRI, Mrs. Cut Fitri Rostina, S.E., M.Sc. and the Chairperson of BPD HIPMI SUMUT. In his remarks, Ade Jona Prasetyo as the Chairperson of BPD HIPMI SUMUT hoped that with the implementation of this collaboration, Young Entrepreneurs from students could be born. "Officially, UNPRI is the first university to collaborate with BPD HIPMI SUMUT," said the Chairperson of BPD HIPMI SUMUT. So it is expected that students who want to open their businesses will be coached by HIPMI SUMUT through HIPMI Universities spread across various PTs.

Vice Chancellor IV UNPRI added that of course this is a good momentum to create Young Entrepreneurs from students. UNPRI greatly appreciates HIPMI SUMUT in spreading the spirit of entrepreneurship to young people. "In the future, hopefully this will be a big step to improve human resources from entrepreneurial activities," said Dr. Ali.

The event was closed with a friendly gathering and Campus Tour at the Main Campus Building of Universitas Prima Indonesia.

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