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UNPRI Pekanbaru Campus Holds Public Lecture: Instilling a Culture of Critical Thinking in Scientific Review

Pekanbaru, Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) Pekanbaru Campus again held a public lecture with the theme "Cultivating Critical Thinking: Techniques of Book and Journal Reviewers", Friday (2/14/2025).

This event presented the main speaker, the Head of the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region I of North Sumatra, Prof. Drs. H. Saiful Anwar Matondang, M.A., Ph.D, who shared in-depth insights on the importance of critical thinking in academia.

This public lecture was officially opened by the Head of LLDIKTI Region XVII Riau and Riau Islands, Dr. H. Nofriadi, SKM., M.Kes, who in his speech emphasized the importance of building a strong academic culture among students and lecturers, especially in improving the quality of scientific publications.

In his presentation, Prof. Saiful Anwar Matondang highlighted the main techniques in reviewing scientific books and journals, which are essential skills for academics and researchers. He emphasized that a critical understanding of literature not only improves the quality of research but also contributes to the advancement of science.

This public lecture also became a forum for interactive discussions between speakers and participants. Students and lecturers were given the opportunity to ask questions and share experiences in reviewing scientific papers.

With this activity, it is hoped that the critical and analytical thinking skills of students and educators at UNPRI Pekanbaru Campus will continue to develop, so that they are able to produce quality publications and contribute to the academic world.

In addition, this public lecture also received high enthusiasm from students and lecturers from various study programs, including the Medical Study Program, Master of Public Health, Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Management and Bachelor of Information Systems.

As part of UNPRI's commitment to improving the quality of higher education, this public lecture is an important momentum in building a culture of critical thinking that supports academic strengthening in the campus environment. In the future, UNPRI Pekanbaru Campus plans to hold more similar activities to continue to improve the competence of students and lecturers in facing global academic challenges.

This event was also attended by the Vice Rector IV of UNPRI, Dr. dr. Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT, MKM, Sp. KKLP (K), and the Director of UNPRI Pekanbaru Campus, Dr. Salim Aktar, M.Pd.

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