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Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences UNPRI Holds Public Lecture

Job Prospects for Graduates of Doctors and Dentists

The Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, Universitas Prima Indonesia (FKKGIK UNPRI), once again held a public lecture in an effort to broaden the knowledge of its students. This Public Lecture is entitled "Job Prospects for Graduates of Doctors and Dentists, which was held face-to-face at the Main Campus Hall of Universitas Prima Indonesia, Wednesday (6/19/2024).

Major General TNI (Ret.), Prof (H.C. UNPRI). Dr.dr. Daniel Tjen Sp.S appeared as a resource person. Prof. Daniel Tjen himself is a Professor of Biosecurity, a Neurology Specialist, a researcher and active in global health issues. Prof. Daniel Tjen's experience is certainly not in doubt, having served as Head of the TNI Health Center, and Chairman of the International Committee of Military Medicine (ICMM).

This public lecture was guided by drg. Bella Fernanda, M.I.Kom., M.K.G as the moderator. The public lecture was attended by 600 students of the Undergraduate Medical Study Program and the Undergraduate Dentistry Study Program at UNPRI.

In the public lecture, Prof. Daniel Tjen said that becoming a military doctor is one of the good and attractive job prospects for medical graduates. This is because military doctors combine two sides of the profession, namely a profession with great responsibility and also a noble profession.

According to Prof. Daniel Tjen, the ideal ratio of military doctors according to NATO is 8-10 doctors per 1000 personnel. With the number of TNI personnel around 400,000 people, at least 3,200-4,000 military doctors are needed to meet this standard. By looking at these numbers, it means that Indonesia still lacks 700-1,500 doctors as military doctors.

Furthermore, Prof. Daniel Tjen explained that to become a military doctor, there are several routes, namely through a special selection of Career Soldier Officers (PaPK) for medical graduates or civilians, or attending lectures at the Faculty of Medicine under the Indonesian Ministry of Defense.

Prof. Daniel Tjen emphasized that FKKGIK UNPRI students should be grateful, because in the future they will become doctors who graduate from Study Programs and Universities with Excellent accreditation, which will be a big capital in developing their careers in the future, one of which is in participating in the PaPK selection as a military doctor.

Universitas Prima Indonesia is committed to routinely and consistently conducting public lectures, as a means of providing information and updating knowledge and information to medical personnel institutions, the community and especially prospective graduate students.

Through the public lecture activity, it is hoped that it will be able to increase the interest of prospective UNPRI Doctors and Dentists to become part of Military Doctors, where currently there are dozens of military and police doctors from UNPRI graduates. On that occasion, video testimonials from FKKGIK UNPRI alumni who have careers as Military Doctors were also shown, as motivation for medical faculty students who are currently studying.

At the end of the public lecture, Prof. Daniel Tjen expressed his pride in UNPRI, because UNPRI already has Excellent Accreditation, which will help the career development of graduates, and always provide routine knowledge update information. "I hope in the future to find FKKGIK UNPRI alumni becoming leadership elements in the world of Military Medicine," he concluded.

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