- 2025-03-05 16:30:31 by Elhaiza Gq Situmeang
UNPRI Clinical Pharmacy Study Program Holds Training and Mentoring for Writing Scientific Papers
Medan, In an effort to prepare students of the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program, FKKGIK, Universitas Prima Indonesia (UNPRI) in writing scientific papers as one of the requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree, a Training and Mentoring for Writing Scientific Papers was held, Wednesday (26/2/2025) on the 12th Floor of the UNPRI Campus, Jln.Sampul No. 3 Medan.
The event featured apt. Hariyadi Dharmawan Syahputra, S.Farm., M.Farm as a resource person, explained many things about tips for writing good scientific papers. The training was attended by around 200 students, and was guided by Marwatunissak as a moderator.
In his speech, apt. Razoki Lubis, S.Si., M.Kes., M.Biomed., M.H. as the Head of the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program said that the training and mentoring were very good in developing and training students in preparing to write scientific papers as the results of student theses.
"We also hope that there will be many useful activities carried out in the future by the Inpharmcoledge Student Club, which provides positive knowledge for students, especially Clinical Pharmacy students," he said hopefully.
Monica Valerie as the Head of the Inpharmcoledge Student Club said that her party was very grateful to the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program, which was very supportive in implementing this program and friends from the same year and the next semester who had participated in this event with great enthusiasm.
A number of students participating in the training said that the event was very useful for them as Clinical Pharmacy students who were preparing their final thesis assignments.
"The material presented was very clear and directly relevant to our needs. The speakers provided many new insights, especially in terms of the technical aspects of writing scientific papers, such as the correct structure, how to find references, and good citation techniques. In addition, the training atmosphere was very interactive, so we felt more confident in writing our theses,” said one of the participants.They expressed their gratitude to the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program and the Inpharmcoledge Student Club for organizing the event. “Hopefully in the future there will be more training like this that can help students develop our academic skills. We hope that similar activities can be held periodically, even with more intensive mentoring sessions so that we are better prepared to face our final assignments," they said.
They hope that in the future the Inpharmcoledge Student Club will be given another opportunity to create or support events that are greatly needed by Clinical Pharmacy students. Also attending the training event were apt. Astriani Natalia, S.Farm., M.Biomed (Secretary of the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program), apt Vera Estefania Kaban, S.Farm., M.Farm, apt. Daimah Wirdatus Sanaun Harahap, S.Farm., M.Farm, apt. Roy Indrianto Bangar, S.Farm., M.Farm (Lecturer Representative of the Clinical Pharmacy Study Program). (RED/MBB)