Signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between Prima Indonesia University and PT Akar Rimba Nusantara
Cooperation related to the Implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education
A memorandum of understanding was signed between UNPRI and PT Akar Rimba Nusantara on Friday, November 25, 2022 at the UNPRI Central Building, Jalan Sampul 4.
This collaboration is intended to implement the intent, purpose, goals and benefits in the implementation of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education and teaching programs through internship programs, research, and also community service specifically related to education and teaching programs through internship programs or field work practices (PKL).
Through this collaboration, it is hoped that students will be able to present the results of case studies in writing in the form of scientific papers, and also train students to be able to communicate, socialize and develop their mentality well in the environment work.
Furthermore, this collaboration aims to prepare qualified UNPRI graduates, mastering knowledge, and skills in their fields and having attitudes and behaviors in accordance with ethics and professional codes of ethics through direct experience in the field.
The signing of the Memorandum of Understanding was attended directly by the Chancellor of Universitas Prima Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Chrismis Novalinda Ginting, M.Kes and Vice Chancellor IV Dr. dr Ali Napiah Nasution, MKT, MKM, SpKKLP along with the deans of the Faculties within Universitas Prima Indonesia
The Guests of PT Akar Rimba Nusantara were represented by Drs. Sutristo, Director of PT Akar Rimba Nusantara, Budi, Public Relations Manager of PT Akar Rimba Nusantara Asep Aripin, RnD Department of PT Akar Rimba Nusantara and Sahat, Marketing Manager of PT Akar Rimba Nusantara
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